Artists' Artwork

David Romero
North Hills California, 2017
This drawing has a landscape view looking down a street that curves to the right side of the composition. The street marking symbols are clearly seen and a traffic light stretches out over the street across the image area. Along a section of the street is a dark violet wall with bright round shapes coming up over it. The top one third of the composition is a plane of solid blue sky.
Color pencil and graphite on paper
12” x 18”

Debbie Bleich
Untitled, 2016
This painting has a figure of a brown and tan dog stretching across the image, the dog is looking at the viewer. The composition is divided horizontally by the dog’s figure in the center plane with blue sky above and green grass below.
Acrylic and illustration marker on paper
18” x 24”

The Dealership, 2018
This detailed drawing is an imaginative view looking down onto a street scene. There are 2 stylized trucks, one in a showroom window of a building at the top left of the image, the other truck is on an angle in the lower half of the drawing. There is a figure of a person walking toward the right side of the lower truck. To the right of the figure is a bright yellow sign with the words “Flower Shop”. There is another building with a window at the top right of the composition. On this building's roof is a partially visible sign with the letters: CARS.
Mixed media on paper
24” x 18”

Marlena Arthur
Untitled, 2016
This painting has an outstretched hand in the center with repeated outlines of rainbow colors around the hand image on a background of pink with white dots.
Acrylic and graphite on paper
12” x 18”

Marlena Arthur
Untitled, 2017
A bright painting on paper using mostly saturated primary and secondary colors. The image is divided into a grid of 6 squares, 3 horizontally and 2 vertically. Each square has a different bright color background with a heart symbol painted in the center with a contrasting color.
Acrylic and graphite on paper
12” x 18”

Sarit Halo
Happy Family Taking a Photo, 2018
This painting shows 5 figures, all appear to be different family members, in a room. Four are looking out at the viewer and appear seated on a couch with a fifth figure on the left standing behind the couch. The back wall is white with a small framed image inset. There is a dark violet drape-like area that frames the figures and the back wall on the sides and top of the composition.
Watercolor and illustration marker on paper
18” x 24”

Victor Frias
Untitled, 2019
This artwork presents a head and shoulders portrait of a person facing forward and wearing a button up shirt and a headwrap with a bug shape on the wrap like an ornament. The portrait takes up the full composition with the head wrap going off the picture plane at the top. The portrait is drawn with a thin dark contour line creating expressing facial features. The background has lightly painted-in areas of light brown, green and yellow. Throughout the entire piece are visible small partially erased, and very light grey, line drawings of smaller portraits, eyes and facial features.
Ink, watercolor and graphite on paper
12” x 9”

Zack Stewart III
Super Randy, 2017
This vertical painting has a standing figure with arms and hands relaxed and visible. The figure is in the center with legs reaching off the lower picture plane and head almost reaching the top edge of the artwork. The background around the figure is black with some abstract shapes in yellow, red, blue and green. The figure is facing the viewer and is wearing “Superman” like clothing with a red cape or red area that flows out around the figure. The figure has short hair and is facing forward while eyes are looking to the left.
Acrylic, ink and illustration marker on paper
24” x 18”
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