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Disaster Response & Recovery

Up-to-date information and resources are available here for those impacted by the emergency:

For life threatening emergencies and to report downed power lines, call 911.

Additional Wildfire Resources for People with Disabilities


The Department on Disability, on behalf of the City of Los Angeles, is committed to ensuring full access to employment, programs, facilities and services; through strategic management and partnership education, advocacy, training, research and improved service delivery; for the benefit of persons with disabilities, providers of essential resources and policymakers. 

If you have any questions, concerns, experience difficulty accessing information, or would like to request information in an accessible alternative format, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can send an email to or fill out our contact form. We appreciate your feedback and inquiries!

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Durable Media Equipment (DME) Program

The City of Los Angeles, Department on Disability is pleased to announce that the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Program has officially reopened and is now accepting applications. To apply for the program and learn more, visit the Durable Medical Equipment information page!

Durable Medical Equipment Banner, Accepting Applications now

Latest News & Resources

Housing Listings Guide for People with Disabilities

The Housing Listings Guide for People with Disabilities was developed to empower individuals with disabilities to search for affordable and accessible housing.  The listing guide provides an overview of housing and sheltering resources located in the Los Angeles area.  The listings, organizations and rental properties listed on the following pages are privately-owned and managed, and not affiliated with the City of Los Angeles, Department on Disability.  If you are interested in obtaining more information on a specific unit, you must apply or contact the management agents.

Accessibility Services for Voters with Disabilities

Los Angeles County, the largest election jurisdiction in the nation, is responsible for conducting elections to nearly 5.4 million registered voters. The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has been working to improve the voting experience and focusing on providing choices to make voting a convenient, accessible and secure experience for all voters by using fewer pieces of equipment and upgrading features into one single device - the “BALLOT MARKING DEVICE” (BMD).  For more information, please visit the Accessibility Services for Voters with Disabilities web page.

Accessible Parking Zones and Sidewalks

On January 24, 2017 the Los Angeles City Council adopted the Phase 1 Program for Accessible Parking Zone's (APZ's).   The Phase 1 Program generally restricts the placement of APZ’s to corner locations to serve the entire block. Residents and businesses may submit a request for an APZ investigation for corner locations. For more information, please visit the Accessible Parking Zones web page.

ADA Compliance Officer Contact

City of Los Angeles ADA Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that City programs, services and activities are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Phone Number: (213) 202-2764
TTY: (213) 202-3452

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.