About the Artists
Angel Pacheco Soriano
Angel is a visual artist that discovered his talent after an accident as a child. When he was 12 years old, he lost his hands due to major electrocution. During his rehabilitation process, he discovered the artist within as a therapy.
I discovered peace in my life after my art therapies. The accident I had as a child let me with no hands to the world. It was a very difficult stage in my life but I did not give up! I learned a new way to live. I was born again. Thanks to my art I found peace in my heart and left behind my limitations. This piece named “Tranquility” represents my life process of reuniting myself.
Basilio Alonzo
Welcome to my photography! My name is Basilio and I am part of the Academy Of Special Dreams. Through this organization I get to express my artistic talents in photography. Photography is my passion because it allows me to express myself in a way that words can’t. You see I have a speech impermanent due to my disability called Di George Syndrome that I was born with. I love photography because I can share with the world what my thoughts through images. I hope you enjoy my photographs that are my “experiences that become a forever image” instilled in time.
Maru Pombo
Maru and her family always advocates and supports our community with disabilities. Her collaboration with the Academy of Special Dreams brings opportunities in rural places in Oaxaca, Mexico in the arts. Maru Pombo inspires many people with his art. His colors and artwork represents HOPE to many people.
Michael Dergar
Michael is the Founder and CEO of the Academy of Special Dreams. His life mission is to bring Public awareness and recognition to artist with disabilities in the world. His collaboration with international organization brought him several Humanitarian and recognition for his mission of Inclusion and Art. For more information visit: www.michaeldergar.com.
Santa Obdulia Hernández Nicolás
Hi everyone, thank you for the opportunity to showcase my artwork. I discovered my passion for painting when I was little. When I paint, I forget my limitations and become free as the wind! Enjoy my artwork and I hope that you never give up as I have not!
Shawn Gong
I am a high functioning adult on the Autism Spectrum who dreams of taking off to the moon with my photography work. I graduated from San Gabriel High School and Ms. Victory was my English teacher. After graduation, I have taken many photography classes at ELAC to one day pursue photography as career choice. I attach some of my work. I hope to be a part of your many talented artists you help along the way. Enjoy my artwork!
Artists' Artwork

Angel Pacheco Soriano
Renacer (Rebirth), 2020
A sunrise landscape where the horizon is filled with oranges and yellows with a central sun breaching the skyline. Light in these colors is reflected in the lake waters. The shores are grassy and there are two trees on the closer bank and trees can be seen on the far off banks. The top of the sky is dark blue and has dark clouds.

Basilio Alonzo
Blooming RED, 2020
A photograph of alien-like desert flowers called red bird of paradise. The viewer looks through a zoomed-in large bloom in reds, oranges, and light orange towards other blooms, grey-green hedges, ferns, and a large palm in a washed-out blue sky.

Basilio Alonzo
The Hills of Nature, 2020
An image of a light orange desert mountains shouting a dirt trail into a shaded canyon. There are tall and thin pine trees and low brush.

Maru Pombo
Libres y Felices (Free and Happy)
A foreground that ombre from light blue to pink then purple. There are four butterflies in flight. A dark red and pink butterfly with black spots. A yellow and dark orange shading and black spots. A light blue butterfly with highlights in white, blues, and pinks.An orange butterfly with black spots. There are transparent ghostly butterflies floating in the foreground.

Maru Pombo
The Queen of Butterflies, 2020
A woman with tan skin with her back to the viewer. She is looking over her shoulder. Her head is covered in small pink blossoms. The line of her spine is exposed. The robe draped over her shoulders is made up of blue, red, yellow flowers, leaves, and birds. The foreground is powered blue with pink shading. A purple butterfly is in the top left corner.

Michael Dergar
Enamorada (In Love), 2018
A feminine face painted in simple lines with closed eyes and lined lips. One eyebrow is textured gold and the other outlined in black. Her face is crowned with golden rays of hair and black shadowing.
Acrylic and Molding on Canvas

Michael Dergar
The Pearl, 2018
A silhouette of golden female figure challenging the black facing her. The figure is made up of textured gold and silver colors providing the feeling of momentum forward.
Acrylic on Canvas

Santa Obdulia Hernández Nicolás
Recordando (Remembering), 2020
A dark-skinned woman is leaning at an angle. She is wearing a bright yellow sleeveless dress with a high-collared ruffle. She has medium length black curly hair. She is looking toward the left corner of the image where there is a moon. The dark background is light up by the moon. There is a large white crane superimposed in the center of the work.

Santa Obdulia Hernández Nicolás
Untitled, June 6, 2020
A dark-skinned person is hugging a very large vase. The vase is mostly white, with pink blossoms on the white portion and white blossoms on black portions. The figure’s upper shoulders and arms are bare and her fingernails are painted in pink and white. The figures head and shoulder-length curly dark brown hair is framed between white calla lilies. The background is orange and shaded in darker oranges. A black iguana’s tail and the body lay across the right side of the border and resting on a white table. There is a quarter of watermelon on the table. Fliting about the watermelon and left of the vase are three butterflies from dark blue, light blue, and pink.

Shawn Gong
Seattle Trip 1, 2020
A ground view of a calm shallow rocky river framed by tall full pines. The sky is blue with a few wispy skies.

Shawn Gong
Seattle Trip 2, 2020
A view from the black water towards docked boats with tall masts and cityscape and its reflection.
Contributing Community Partners
This commemorative page was made possible by our Community Partners. Thank you for sharing the content we have gathered here to celebrate ADA 30 Los Angeles. Please visit our Contributing Community Partners Page for a full listing.