Artists' Artwork

Angel Pacheco Soriano
Felicidad, "Happiness", 2020
A portrait of a Latina. Her head is depicted in black and white with red lips. Her black hair is swept back by a partially visable red flower. She is wearing a black dress with a yellow front and a large gold necklace with white stones. Messy washed-out reds, oranges, blues, and greens circle her face.
Note from the Artist: A new way to live. A new way to be alive.
Mix Techniques on Canvas, 30"x

Annie Young
The Day, 2018
A work is made up of four quadrents in movement, showing the same tree with a dark brown truck and swirling green foiliage. Each quadrent has a swirling sun at a difrent time of the day. It represents a beautiful and happy day somewhere.
Acrylics on Canvas and Drip Paint, 4"x20”x20”

Basilio Alonzo
Perfection, 2020
Viewed from above and in shadows, a single white daisy flower with a black center growns from a patch of grass.
Note from Artist: "The garden of life is a sample of perfection in nature."
Picture on Canvas, 20"x26"

Dory Perdomo
Celeste Sumergido, "Submerged Cerelean", 2019
An image of a blue toned white wall with crumbly worned spots. A sky blue stain runs down the side of the wall and puddles in the bottom center. On the edges of the stain there are narks of one large and one small missing pipe fixtures. Celeste Sumergido represents the purity of the ocean and its preservation.
Photograph on Canvas, 30"x36"

Flavia Zuniga West Ruiz
Purple Me, 2017
This piece is a dance of vertical, bright but washed-out colors ranging from sky blue, pinks and organges, to darker blues and purples. Scattered colors move accross the piece.
Acrylics on Canvas, 32"x26"

Haile King-Rubie
Hello Feelings, 2018
On a midnight blue background, abstract shapes are created in bold strokes of white, yellow, blues and oranges.
Mix Media on Canvas, 20"x25"

Isaac Mathis
The Elephants on Pastels, 2018
In a fog filled bamboo forest, the work centers on soft profile of an elephant holding a piece of green bamboo aloft in it's trunk.
Pastels on Canvas, 20"x24"

Jerry J. Ruiz
La Cúpula San Sulpice, "The Cupola of Saint Sulpice", 2018
Looking up to a white marble cupola tower glowing yellow from artificial lighting from below, framed by a darkening evening sky with wispy clouds, which catch the last streams of sunlight. Limbs from winter barren trees subtly block the view.
Photograph on Canvas, 36"x48"

Jhovana Cecena
The Hand, 2019
A black background contrasts with the multicolored segments of an open hand that is outlined with a bold white borders. It represents that we are all one and different.
Acrylics on Canvas, 20"x24"

Martin Vogel
The Character, 2018
A piece created with black and grey swirls from wheels of a wheelchair. Splashed in the center of the piece are saturated purple, red, and magenta paint.
Acrylics and Wheelchair Painting, 30"x25"

Maru Pombo
Inside My Soul, 2018
On a gold marble background a red-headed woman sits on her knees facing away from the viewer. Her lower half is wrapped in light blue cloth on which a gold and black butterfly rests. She is reaching back to button the large buttons that close a seam that makes up her spine. A butterfly escapes the seam. The piece represents how life has many ways to show itself. Life is a passion to be.
Oil and Mixed Medium on Canvas, 26"x3

Michael Dergar
Libertad, Take it. "Freedom, Take it", 2020
On a saturated lemon yellow background the black-lined figure of a dancer leaps across the canvas with her arms raised high. The long petals pieces of her skirt fly around her floating and curling into every corner. The piece is a representation of freedom, beauty, and dance that proclaims eternal love and gratitute to life.
Acrylics, Textures on Canvas, 30"x40"

Santa Obdulia Hernandez Nicolas
Las Dos Vidas. "Two Lives", 2018
Centered on a red background edged with black, two Black women walk away from each other. The one heading left into to the tall green grass is dark-skinned with her head wrapped in matching cloth to her yellow and white lined dress. She carries a black jug in one arm. The other woman is medium-skinned in a green flowered tank and purple striped skirt. She is carring an armful of calla lilies. It is a representation that friendship and life matter.
Arcylics on Canvas, 32"x19"

Shawn Gong
My Trip to San Francisco, 2019
This picture represents the opportunity to live. The image is of two ships at dock in marina at sunset. The water is dark but the cloud filled sky is bright with the last of sunset's glow.
Photography on Canvas, 26"x36"

Tom Doyle
The City Views, 2019
The City Views from a wheelchair perspective. The image captures an intensely blue sky with solar glare slighlty blurring the left side. Central to the frame is a white building with several floors of blue windows and a large tree filled with leaves that appear black and white from the sun.
Photograph, 20"x30"
Contributing Community Partners
This commemorative page was made possible by our Community Partners. Thank you for sharing the content we have gathered here to celebrate ADA 30 Los Angeles. Please visit our Contributing Community Partners Page for a full listing.