Technology provides a solution to access barriers and even the playing field for everyone. From Assistive technology that enables the physically disabled us adaptive equipment to compete in sports to Digital Accessibility that opens the door to information, activities, and employment in ways that was unthinkable only decades ago.
AVA Inclusivity | Access Virtual Architecture

The AVA Inclusivity team combines their expertise in audio/visual technology and historic site preservation to create virtual accessibility solutions that allows the highest quality experience for both onsite visitors with disabilities as well as remote exploration. Our virtual solutions open the doors of world heritage to everyone.
AVA Inclusivity’s Core Values
- Inclusiveness – Create truly inclusive solutions that involves all stakeholders in the process and culminates in a product that allows everyone to richly experience historic sites, regardless of ability or location.
- Integrity – Respect and preserve the aesthetic integrity of historic buildings by capturing their architectural details with true-to-life, elegant and high resolution image-capture.
- Increased Visitation – Position historic house museums to enable high quality virtual access, open more of their sites to onsite visitors and expand into the lucrative and growing travel markets of older adults and people with disabilities, through enhanced accessibility.
Read more about Creating a Virtual Accessibility Experience at Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House.
California State University Northridge Center on Disabilities
The Center on Disabilities (COD) is committed to the vision of an inclusive society where people of all abilities have the chance to achieve their goals and experience success. Through excellent training and research, we nurture learning and innovation to improve the world for people with disabilities.
COD sponsors assistive technology training programs to expand the awareness of professionals and introduce newcomers to the disability field, and hosts the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference.