The City of Los Angeles Department on Disability (DOD) celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the signing of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 2020, and its impact across the facets of Angeleno life.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications. The ADA is divided into five titles (or sections) that relate to different areas of public life.
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Reflection During the 30th Anniversary of the ADA with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti YouTube Video
The Americans with Disabilities Act, Signing Ceremony, July 26, 1990 YouTube Video
Message from City of Los Angeles
Los Angeles City Council President and Councilwoman District Six (6) - Nury Martinez
Dear Friends:
As we celebrate one of the seminal moments in our nation’s Civil Rights history, the 30th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act, I want to take a moment to thank everyone, past and present, who worked so hard to make this groundbreaking federal law happen, and who continue to do the good work to ensure its aims are adhered to.
The ADA is not just a law, it is the foundation that ensures those with Disabilities are afforded the same rights, liberties and access to opportunity that all Americans deserve. I want to take a moment to thank and recognize the staff of the City of Los Angeles’ Department on Disabilities (DOD) for their stellar work in providing resources and assistance, and more importantly, for offering hope and opportunity to the good people they serve. DOD is made up of incredible and passionate people doing incredible and passionate work. As a City, we are extremely fortunate to have them serve Angelenos throughout the City. Read Councilwoman Nury Martinez letter.
Councilmember District Four (4) - David E. Ryu

I’m proud to join with the City of Los Angeles Department on Disability in celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This landmark civil rights law was a huge step forward, but we still have work to do to ensure that Los Angeles is accessible and inclusive for all. I’ve worked with advocates and community members to push for infrastructure improvements, like much-needed sidewalk repairs, modifications to road medians, and updated ADA-compliant playgrounds to make sure that everyone can access and enjoy our City. As we have adjusted to living with COVID-19, I’ve made it a top priority to reach out to those who are most impacted - including those who have disabilities and must take special precautions to stay safe during this pandemic. We’ve proactively reached out to hundreds of residents to check in on them and make sure they can access resources, and have paired local volunteers with people who are sheltering at home to deliver groceries and other essentials. Although we can’t celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the ADA in person this year, I want to thank the countless advocates and pioneers who have tirelessly pushed for equal rights. We must continue this crucial work, and continue to commit ourselves to eradicating barriers to access everywhere. Councilmember David E. Ryu, District Four
City of Los Angeles History & Timeline of the ADA
The events leading to the singing of the ADA were pivotal in shaping the legislation, creating a movement for social change, empowerment and community building. Explore the timeline and learn of the vital moments that happened here in Los Angeles.
Children and Youth
Young people with Disabilities face severe social, economic, and civic disparities. For many, exclusion and isolation, as well as lack of educational and economic opportunities are daily experiences. Los Angeles is proud to advance the inclusion of Young Angelenos with Disabilities and their families with the work of a diverse network community partners.
Community Builders
Los Angeles is home to a legion of organizations providing services and resources to Angelenos with disabilities and their families. There are more than we can list but as you explore this website you will find many already highlighted elsewhere. They are diverse in their make-up, fields of service, and dedicated to the disabled community. We are proud to call them community partners.
Department on Disability seeks to promote access to artistic expression for those within the disability community, be it through art, film or music.
Sport challenges everyone to stretch themselves further than anyone thought possible. It is a tool for changing lives and contributing to an inclusive society for all.
Technology provides a solution to access barriers and even the playing field for everyone. From Assistive technology that enables the physically disabled us adaptive equipment to compete in sports to Digital Accessibility that opens the door to information, activities, and employment in ways that was unthinkable only decades ago.